In a restless world where darkness seems to be sinking deeper into the everyday life, Kiru is searching for answers between the pages of the books in his huge library. Thanks to the help of his loyal partners, Kiru has managed to comprehend a few of the Soulโs secrets and the Balance that holds it. But alongside them is the poor Arcobaldo, a dummy troublemaker, who had well thought to lose thirty-nine priceless scrolls, exactly the ones in which Kiru believes the archegonesโ greatest secret is hidden. These stories, these fragments of the past, need to be found!
Kiruโs Lost Fragments can be purchased exclusively through our websiteโs dedicated store
Kiruโs Lost Fragments are currently available in italian, but soon they will be printed in other language
The Lost Fragments can be read both by children and adults but as it often happens with fables, they deal with complex issues, difficult for children. But growing up also means having to face these kinds of storiesโฆ