Welcome, lost soul, to Arkegonos

An italian project that tells a story about a dark universe ruled by the arkegones, powerful leviathans whose nature remains unknown. With an ever growing community, a dark design and intense worldbuilding, Arkegonosโ€™ only goal is to push the limits of the imaginationโ€ฆ


โ€œโ€ฆArkegones, this is what we call our mothers. They are the Soulโ€™s keepers, our makers, the only ones to whom the demiurges have entrusted the Roots. We donโ€™t know what they are or where they come from, but the only knowledge of their existence frees us from the thoughts of our time. The universe is changing and maybe for the worst. But until the arkegones stand beside us, Valkut will have a valid reason to fear usโ€ฆโ€

Collectible Fantasy Books, Resin Miniatures and Prints
Collectible Fantasy Books, Resin Miniatures and Prints


โ€œ… Many cultures were born over the eons. Some stood against the demiurgesโ€™ will by threatening the Soul and the Sacred Equilibrium; but others have sided with them, establishing the great empires of our timeโ€ฆโ€

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Collectible Fantasy Books, Resin Miniatures and Prints
Collectible Fantasy Books, Resin Miniatures and Prints
75 mm